About Us
Welcome to Call the Doc!You have reached the right place.
In today’s world, the web is bursting with incalculable amounts of health-related information, giving Americans unprecedented resources to pro-actively take part in their own well-being. But how do you sort through it yourself? And how do you know what’s even accurate? Effective? Or even safe? You Call The Doc!
Leave it to a qualified doctor to have the answers you need, right at your fingertips. Call The Doc offers individuals of all ages with immediate phone access to a nationwide network of doctors and nurses 24/7, 365 days a year – ready to provide medical advice and prescription services when you need them.
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1760633 patients can’t be wrongNew customers signing up every day!
Join our amazing network today and start enjoying the benefits immediately!
Doctors and Therapists You Can Trust
Improving care
Reducing costs
Increasing access
Our provider network is the nation’s largest and is comprised of physicians who are Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics; as well as trained, licensed mental health professionals providing counseling and behavioral health services.
All of our providers go through a background check with primary source verification through the National Physician Data Base (NPDB) and the American Medical Association (AMA) for medical licensure, training and education, work history and malpractice history.