CallTheDoc's telemedicine services provide affordable, convenient, secure access to healthcare 24/7/365 anytime, anywhere.
Members connect with a nationwide network of board certified physicians through, phone, email, and secure video. By seamlessly connecting patients and physicians, CallTheDoc makes healthcare services both convenient and cost-effective.
Types of Telemedicine Consultations
Diagnostic Consultations
Phone Consultation
Video Consultation
Network physicians are available for detailed consultations to diagnose common conditions and develop treatment plans, which may include prescription medication. Members can schedule consultations on line or with the help of a professional medical assistant and will receive a call from a network physician on average in 23 minutes. Diagnostic consultations are available by telephone and live video.
Informational Consultations
Phone Consultation
Email Consultation
Informational consultations offer on-demand access to network physicians for general medical information and advise. Informational consultations are conducted by telephone or secure email.
Informational consultations are connected directly to a doctor in less than one minute by telephone and secure email requests are answered in less than 30 Minutes.
Useful Information
All you need to know.
As much as 70% of all doctor office visits for common conditions can be replaced with a telemedicine consultation with a doctor. CallTheDoc’s telemedicine service is a convenient complement to primary care.
As a complement to primary care, CallTheDoc reduces the cost and frequency of in-person consultations. Listed are some of the common conditions that may be addressed by CallTheDoc physicians via phone, video or email consultation.
- Allergies
- Nausea
- Cold & Flu
- Ear Infection
- Stomach Virus
- Acid Reflux
- High Blood Pressure
- Acne
- Sore Throat
- Pink Eye
- Asthma
- Sinus Conditions
- Headache
- Rashes
- Diabetes
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoids
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Urinary Tract Infection
Network Physicians will evaluate, diagnosis, and develop a treatment plan that may include prescription medication. Maintenance medicines may be prescribed when a member is in transition to a new insurance plan or doctor and are usually limited to a thirty-day supply. CallTheDoc’s network physicians do not write prescriptions for DEA controlled substances, life style medication, birth control or anti-depressants.
*Prescriptions will only be issued when indicated and approved by a physician, and as permitted by law in your state.
CallTheDoc’s electronic medical record system is a powerful, HIPAA compliant feature that centralizes and simplifies your healthcare management. Before consulting with a physician, our members complete a comprehensive medical history profile, the same as you would before seeing a physician for the first time. Members have access to medical records including all consultations and notes and the records can be forwarded to a primary care physician.
A variety of lab tests can be ordered and administered in your home. A physician will be available to discuss your results.
- Diabetic Panel (Hgb A1C, Cholesterol Panel, Glucose)
- Men's Basic Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol Panel, PSA)
- Women's Basic Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol Panel, TSH)
- Weight Management Panel (Hgb A1C, Cholesterol Panel, Glucose)
- Ageing Male Panel (PSA, Testosterone Level)
How The Program Works
A Registered Nurse
- Verifies your membership with the Call The Doc program
- Documents your medical history
- Documents your medical concern or medical issue
Your medical information
- Your medical information is securely sent to a licensed doctor in your state of residence
A Doctor
- Contacts the call center within 3 hrs to complete your doctor consultation
- Average call-back time is between 30-45 minutes Completes a diagnosis form that is available in our Electronic Medical record (EMR) for future use
- Can write a prescription when sufficient medical history is available Where allowed by law. Call the Doc cannot write prescriptions for narcotics or DEA controlled substances